Dal is the President and CEO of Insurance One Management, Inc. d/b/a Don Crawford & Associates. Don Crawford himself worked with West Texas area employers from 1969 until his retirement 50 years later in 2019 when Dal purchased the insurance agency from Don after working for and with Mr. Crawford for over 20 years in various capacities. In December 2021, Dal became a Managing Partner of now parent company U.S. Employee Benefits Services Group (USEBSG), a division of U.S. Retirement & Benefits Partners (USRBP).
Dal has over 30 years of insurance experience and works with employers throughout the West Texas area to help attract and retain top talent through the implementation, maintenance, and compliance of various employee benefit programs. He earned his Managed HealthCare Professional (MHP) designation in 1998 from the Health Insurance Association of America (HIAA). Dal is a past-president of his local area Association of Health Underwriters (TAHU / NAHU). From 1995 to 2005, Dal was a regional sales executive for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas / HMO Blue during which he gained valuable experience working with numerous school districts, counites, cities, and corporate employers, several of which were in the major and national account arena.
Dal has lived in West Texas his entire life, raised his family there and is committed to the area. Outside of work, Dal has had a lifetime passion involving various sports as a player, coach, board member and sports official. Dal earned his bachelor’s degree at Texas Tech University.