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Iselin, NJ, June 23, 2010—U.S. Retirement Partners (USRP) has introduced a management guide. The “Modern Management Model” or “M3” is a collection of 403(b)-specific “best practices” gathered by successful industry professionals over the last three decades.

Originally drafted in late 2009, M3 was updated as a result of feedback received at the Partners Advisory Council Meeting earlier this year. It guides managers in the development and training of Advisors. It further provides the necessary Advisor support to work effectively with both their employer and employee clients. The end result is a dynamic document that dovetails with USRP’s Advisor Development Program, an integrated set of web-based tools that support the various stages of an Advisor’s career development. Some of the topics these tools address include:

  • Training
  • Territory Management
  • Annual Business Planning
  • Performance Management

USRP CEO and President, Mark Skinner and National Director of Practice Management, Jim Schlucter, recently conducted a one-day M3 training session in Austin, Texas for soon-to-be managers of Advanced Financial Strategies (AFS), a USRP Partner Firm in Texas. “The training was very helpful for all who attended. It gives them a track to run on; a process to follow,” said Glen Hancock, an AFS Partner. “The website tools are practical and very easy to use,” he continued.

We wanted to put a process in place that will assist our managers in the development of our Advisors. M3 and the accompanying web-based tools provide a platform to get that job done,” said Mark Skinner.